Just one job category

Some people think I am not a nice person. I can get angry and have little patience. True.

However, I’m not a person who is angry about nothing or even easily.

If you make a mistake, I may not be happy about it. Things happen. I get that. Really! 😉

I can live with people making mistakes. Even big mistakes. If I think the person is doing their best or just made a mistake because they didn’t know better.

The problem for me comes when things are not right, there are mess ups, mistakes, simply because someone does not take the time, or care enough, to do something right.

If that makes me a bad person, well, okay, I can accept that.

Do your work. Do it the best you can. If it’s wrong and you can fix it, fix it. I respect that even.

If that is not the case, don’t expect me to just accept that. I won’t. I can’t.

Great example of this I found in my mailbox. Someone spent money, resources, and time, and probably planned to reap some benefit from this flyer. Really? You had one job, and this is the result.

I’m putting this next to my son’s junior high school basketball tournament t-shirt from last year that says 2th Annual Tournament in very large letters at the top.


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