The Best Way to Eat Icing

A few days ago my youngest son had his birthday and we celebrated it in the usual fashion: cake and presents!

A few days before his birthday he surprised me by asking to have a turtle on his cake. Hmmm, not easy, but I told him I would give it a shot.

I tried making turtles from icing, but using fresh cream icing is too difficult to get the shapes to stay for any time, so I gave up. Might have been able to work it out if I had a little more time, but I didn’t. Luckily I had stopped by Toys R Us earlier and picked up a very nice turtle to use, just in case.

Actually I went by several places looking for something suitable, but couldn’t find anything.

The one I got is really life-like. Some people thought it was a real turtle on the cake. Come on, no way I’d ruin a perfectly delicious chocolate cake by doing that!!! 😉

I added a frog just because I thought it looked interesting and balanced things out.

Oh, about eating the icing? You’ll see what I mean in the photos below.

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