Who is your super hero?

So, some people who know me already know that I am a comic book and super hero fan.

I’m sure I’m not alone in that. Everyone at one time or another in their life wishes they had some super power, or powers, or at the very least had the private number for a super hero who would come and help them out.

I don’t think I would look so good in a cape, but I still think it would be cool to be a super hero.

What about you? Wouldn’t you like to be a super hero or have one you could call any time to help you?


In the comment section below tell me Who Is Your Favorite Super Hero:

  1. – Who is your super hero
  2. -What is there best super power
  3. -Why are they your favorite
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57 Responses to “Who is your super hero?”

  1. Ieki Ikumi says:

    1. my super hero is one direction.
    2.their songs give me energy.
    3.they are really cool and cute!

  2. Erica Ito says:

    2.His face is eaten.
    3.He is the loveliest hero.

  3. Ito Naomi says:

    2,It has strong voice.
    3,Because they are cool and smart.

  4. Tsubasa Iino says:

    1.Spider man
    2.Spider’s power
    3.Because he helps a lot of people

  5. Tsubasa Iino says:

    1.Spider man
    2.Spider\’s power
    3.Because he helps a lot of people

  6. Inagaki says:


    2, four-dimensional pocket.

    3,Because it comes out anything from his fourth dimension pocket.

  7. Koki Ino says:

    1. Micky Mouse is.
    2. To give dreams and hope.
    3. Because he is very famous all over the world.

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