Archive for the ‘General’ Category

New Christmas Lights at our house

Thursday, December 8th, 2011

We got a bit of a late start on this, and we’re still not finished even though Christmas is just around the corner.

Our lights from the last few years have been dropping off one by one, so this year we had to get some new ones. We’ve looked at all the department stores and specialty shops but couldnt’ find anything that really went well for our house, so we ended up having to order some things.

We love the internet 😉

Here are a few pictures. They’re not great, but they give you an idea. We have more lights coming in the next couple of days so I hope to update things then.

UPDATE: added a couple of new strings of lights.

An Oreo cookie crumb birthday cake

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

So, last week was Ahn, my youngest son’s, 10th birthday.

He said he wanted something a little different for his cake this year, so I tried something with some Oreo cookie crumbs.

I think it could have turned out a lot better, and I learned a couple of things that will make it look better next time. Taste was still great 😉

We did manage to eat about half of it on the first go. Ate the last of it last night. Not exactly what’s on the menu for a good diet, eh?

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the cake and Ahn and of course Bynn.

Cicada – what Japanese call ‘semi’ – hatching

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Woke up this morning to the sound of the cidadas singing, or as I like to call it, making annoying sounds. This has been a strange summer for our garden when it comes to the time schedule of things.

This seems a bit early for me, as did the ending of the tree dust that falls for a month and makes it nearly impossible to be outside without having that dust in your hair, your coffee cup, or other drink, or in your pockets and down the collar of your shirt.

So, the ‘singing’ started.

Walked out this afternoon and found this little guy springing forth. Looks a little like Predator at times, but it was pretty cool to watch.

We didn’t take photos of every stage, sorry, but there are enough to cover most of his progress.

Semi say-me hatching

Semi "say-me" hatching

Semi hatching and it looks like Predator

Semi hatching and it looks like Predator

Disappointed in the Lakers

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

So, I’m not a big sports fan, but I enjoy watching when I can. It’s time for the NBA playoffs now so I have been watching, mostly reading, about the games and teams.

I have been a long time Lakers fan, and I have been holding out hope that the Lakers had a chance to win their 3rd title in a row this year.

Now that’s looking like it is going to be really difficult since they are down 2 games to zero to the Dallas Mavericks.

I like the Mavericks, by the way, and said before the season ended that if it is not the Lakers coming out from the West that I really hope it is the Mavericks.

Of course, if it is the Mavericks, and then the Heat survive in the East… there could be a very, very interesting matchup, a rematch then, for the NBA finals.

How about you? What sport do you like best? Who is your favorite team?

Please leave your favorite sport and team in the comment section below.

Captain America is safe, for now

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

The boys have been having Captain America fits since seeing an Avengers movie and hearing about the new Captain America movie coming.

This morning they decided to play Captain America, sort of…



In the comment space below, let me know what your favorite super hero is, and why.