Archive for July 23rd, 2011

Cicada – what Japanese call ‘semi’ – hatching

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Woke up this morning to the sound of the cidadas singing, or as I like to call it, making annoying sounds. This has been a strange summer for our garden when it comes to the time schedule of things.

This seems a bit early for me, as did the ending of the tree dust that falls for a month and makes it nearly impossible to be outside without having that dust in your hair, your coffee cup, or other drink, or in your pockets and down the collar of your shirt.

So, the ‘singing’ started.

Walked out this afternoon and found this little guy springing forth. Looks a little like Predator at times, but it was pretty cool to watch.

We didn’t take photos of every stage, sorry, but there are enough to cover most of his progress.

Semi say-me hatching

Semi "say-me" hatching

Semi hatching and it looks like Predator

Semi hatching and it looks like Predator