Archive for January 19th, 2012

Happy Birthday to me and my wife for 2012

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Well, they come every year, if you’re lucky, and so far I’ve been pretty lucky. For a lot of years I have been very, very lucky.

So, another year and another birthday survived. Quite an accomplishment for me this time.

As usual we celebrated our birthday together (it is the same day after all ;-))

This time around I decided to try something a little different for the cake. Sulseob has been trying out making square cakes, and I decided to throw in a little extra on the decorations this time.

I claimed that there wasn’t enough space on the cake for both our names like I usually write on the cake, but really I just thought it would be nice for Sulseob to have her own cake for once. (I’ve not had my own for some time, nor one I haven’t made for myself, but I’ve had cake and a celebration with some of my students – thanks guys!! – so thought I’d do it this way this time).

This was waiting to greet me on Tuesday when I entered class:

A very, very large Birthday card for me

A very, very large Birthday card for me

Here are a few photos of the cake and such from our little celebration at home:

Heiwa Koen Walking Course Path in Nagoya

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

These days I am trying hard to stay fit, and active, and of course, have fun while I’m doing it.

One of the things we’ve been doing as a family has been going for walks at the park near our home. It’s not all flat walking, but it’s not exactly mountain climbing either since you don’t have to use your hands anywhere along the way, but some of the paths do have their physical challenges, steps, rocks to step over, up, that sort of thing.

We’ve been going a couple of days each week, early in the morning. It’s cold now, but walking early is a great feeling. It’s also nice to see the other people who are out walking and yet not be crowded.

It sure beats walking on a treadmill. That is of course if you have the time to get out of the house or office.

Here are some pictures I took a few days ag0.