Archive for January 25th, 2012

Here’s my New Look for 2012

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Bynn and Ahn made these masks at their art school this week. Of course, serious person that I am, I could not resist trying them on and taking pictures of them 😉

Since I know not everyone cares about or wants to see photos of me, I included more of the boys modeling their creations.

Maybe I mentioned this before, but they’ve been attending an art school for maybe 6 years, or more. They’re not learning to be Da Vinci, but they enjoy it and the teacher is really wonderful. He’s kept them interested and happy and eager to go each week since they were in daycare, so he must be doing something right.

Remember that when you start learning anything, it’s really more important how fun and interesting the teacher makes things than how much you’re learning.

Each week they do different things. Sometimes they do projects that take multiple classes to complete, and they usually do some seasonal, holiday related stuff, but it’s not the same every year or for the same holiday each year. He’s a very good teacher and very prepared as well.

Anyway, here are some fun pictures of the masks they painted:

Bynn turns 12 – chocolate cake chocolate icing and Legos

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

January is a big birthday month at our house since 3 of our 4 members have birthdays then. We just celebrated Bynn’s 12th birthday.

It’s hard for me to believe he’s already 12, soon to be a teenager, already in many ways a very ‘big’ guy.

Not too big to enjoy a birthday cake, and Legos as a present though 😉

I’ve mentioned before that we celebrate birthdays a little differently at our house, at least for the boys, partly because my birthday and Sulseob’s are the same day, and partly because 1 remote control car is not fun when 2 really is, and partly because I love how much both of our sons enjoy and look forward to everyone’s birthdays at our house, there are presents for each of them, no matter who is celebrating the birthday.

It seems to be working still. Yesterday morning when I woke them to get ready for school went something like this:

Me: Hey, guys. Good morning. Let’s get going.

Ahn: Happy Birthday, Bynn.


Anyway, here are a few pictures. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing, the writing is just plain white whipped cream. You kind of have to hurry with that because it tends to melt fast.

They’re both big Lego fans, so that’s what they got for a birthday present this time.