Archive for July 18th, 2013

Tree trimming again, and the hard way

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

I have been back at the tree trimming again and trying to stay ahead of all of that dust. This time I really got crazy and climbed the tree and topped out the trimming. I don’t know if it was as much as before in ‘wood’ but it was a lot more cutting.

I spent most of the day in the tree. It was too hard to climb up and couldn’t get down easily, so even though I was really tired and getting cooked, I had to stay up there until I was finished.

I ended up losing about 2 Kilos! Of course, dehydration is not the best way to lose weight! ;-( And I just as surely put that weight back on with a little drinking…

Here are some photos of me up in the tree. I was at times looking down at the top of my 2 story house. I don’t think I’ll be climbing up that high in trees again any time soon, if ever…