Archive for September, 2013

Cool weather is back, and so are classes…

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

Well, that time of year is here once again and we’re ready to kick things off.

I already had my classes at Chukyo University where there are many students who are away for the semester studying abroad and almost all of the others spent the summer abroad. It will be a very interesting, and I hope fun, semester.

On Wednesday I met my English Interaction 2 classes. There are a lot of new faces in those classes, too.

I feel sorry for the students who wanted to take the second semester of my class but were unable to do that. It seems all students were just put in classes by their numbers and the time slots and not by professor even when they chose that.

Also I met my new discussion classes. This class only meets during the second semester, so it’s not really a new class for me, but all of the students there are new. Most of them have been in some of my other classes before, so it’s good to get to see those students again. There are also plenty of new students who I am sure are wondering what lies ahead for them. I look forward to getting to know them and getting to know the others better.

That discussion class, and my advanced discussion class, are a lot of fun and very interesting for me, too.

Tomorrow it is time to kick off Web English class again.

It looks like there will be many, many new students, and well, many students. Enrollment is supposed to be capped at 25 or so, but I have 2 classes with 40 students. Sadly, again, several students from 1st semester tried to enroll and could not.

Anyway, I look forward to my classes and seeing my students from before and getting to know all of the new ones.

Let’s have a great semester!