Archive for December 19th, 2013

Good class discussing success

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

This week in my discussion class, we talked about the topic of success.

It’s always interesting to me to see what other people think about success: what it is, who has it, what they want or need to feel success in their own lives.

There’s a different answer for every student.

That is a great topic for a discussion class. Any time there is no really set, black and white, right or wrong explanation for your topic it can lead to some really healthy discussion.

We have covered a lot of ground in this class, and we have had some great discussions.

I thought this week’s class was great. Success is one of my own personal favorites as a topic, so it’s fun for me to get to share that with these students.

We started off with some quotes. There were quotes from Tony Robbins, Michael Jordan, and Bill Gates.

Each group had to decide what they thought was the meaning of the quote, come up with a story example to explain it, and to talk about whether they thought the quote was a true statement.

Luckily they all started off with agreeing with the quotes, and they had some good examples, too.

We followed that up with a general discussion on what was success to them, for them in their lives.

All in all, class was, well, a success 😉