Archive for December 18th, 2014

The first winter snow 2014

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

It may not stay around long enough for us to have a white Christmas. Actually, I’m hoping it won’t 😉

But, we did get a good snow that came in fast last night and made a mess of things this morning here in Nagoya. This is the most snow we’ve seen in a while.

The weather forecast said it might snow last night, or early this morning, but there was no indication of how much snow were going to get. The weather has been at freezing for the last few days, and that makes it a lot easier to for the snow to stick. It was heavy, wet, and very sticky.

Trains were late, and traffic was brutal.

Here are a few shots from my balcony, and one from my home office window.

The one with the icicles is the apartment next door. We did get a few on our house, and there’s one picture of those, too.