Archive for February 1st, 2016

Winter semester is just about finished

Monday, February 1st, 2016

We’re wrapping things up for another great year of classes. I hope everyone has a great break and gets refreshed and ready to start another semester soon.

It’s break time, so relax, some, but don’t overdo it!

I had to do a little clean up on my indoor fish bowl that sits on the landing of the stairwell. I have been advised to not feed them when it’s less than 10 degrees C, but they keep eating, and keep growing.

Here’s the waiting station they play in while I’m doing the dirty work 😉 Also, there’s no net. I’ve been doing this so long with them they let me catch them pretty easily and usually only move a little in my hand or just lay there waiting to be dropped into the bucket or back into their bowl.