Archive for December, 2016

Merry Christmas from Wanisan 2016

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and Happy Holidays and Happy Winter Break!

Did I miss anything?

Please enjoy your holiday as best you can. Be safe, be loved.

From Wanisan and Family!

Yes, I hired professional artists for these… well, I paid them with breakfast 😉

More interesting characters on my walk

Thursday, December 15th, 2016

This week while we were out doing a night time walk by the little river behind our house, we happened upon a couple of interesting characters.

I see interesting people and animals and birds and insects on my day time walks through the park and around the lake near our home, but we also walk at night along a small river (Okay, they call this a river here, but really, it wouldn’t rate as a small creek, large ditch? back home).

We always stop on one of the bridges on our way back and peer over the rails and look for fish. Sometimes there are catfish or carp that are 3 feet long swimming below. We’ve seen cranes, turtles, and ducks there, too.

One night we saw a small mammal there swimming in the water that got out of the water and disappeared into the shrubs along the back. We’ve seen it a couple of times and the best we can come up with is it is likely a type of weasel or mink.

Last night when we were walking we saw a larger animal on the bank below. It was looking back toward its rear so we couldn’t see the face or head clearly. We were trying to be very still because it was really only about 20 feet almost directly below us. After a short wait, we realized it was waiting on its partner and we could see the face clearly.

It was wearing its little mask.

Two, very healthy looking and a bit large, Japanese raccoons.

I tried to take a photo of them without creating too much of a stir. I only had my iPhone, so the picture isn’t all that good.

Maybe you can see them though.

Keep on walking

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

This week I’m continuing to enjoy the fall weather while I’m out walking. I have been doing this now for about 3 months. Two times each week I walk by myself through the park near my home and usually at least 2 nights a week and up to 4 nights a week my wife and I walk together.

I have to really load up my iPod for something to listen to while I’m walking alone, but it’s been a very good thing for me to do. Maybe it’s one of the best things I do for myself. The weather has been pretty cooperative these days though there have been some cool and even rainy days.

The leaves are falling but there is still a lot of color. I love the smell of the leaves on the warmer and dry days. It really reminds me of home.

Here’s a shot of a short stretch of my walk:

Thanksgiving Day is over, but there is much left

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

So, the Thanksgiving holiday has passed. But it always lingers. Sometimes that’s not a good thing because what lasts is the food or worse, the weight gained from eating all of the food.

But there are good things left over as well.


Memories of Thanksgivings passed spent with family, some who are no longer with us, and friends, and in other places, other times. The holiday season is a time for those reflections for most people, but maybe more so for those of us who are expatriated.

I get tired of the negativity and nastiness that pervades social media, but I truly enjoy seeing the messages, photos, and conversations of friends and family who are enjoying one another, sharing their lives, their memories, and their hope for the future.

Thanksgiving is finished? Hopefully no completely.

My favorite leftover is I am still feeling thankful.

Here’s a picture of our turkey: