Archive for December 1st, 2016

Thanksgiving Day is over, but there is much left

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

So, the Thanksgiving holiday has passed. But it always lingers. Sometimes that’s not a good thing because what lasts is the food or worse, the weight gained from eating all of the food.

But there are good things left over as well.


Memories of Thanksgivings passed spent with family, some who are no longer with us, and friends, and in other places, other times. The holiday season is a time for those reflections for most people, but maybe more so for those of us who are expatriated.

I get tired of the negativity and nastiness that pervades social media, but I truly enjoy seeing the messages, photos, and conversations of friends and family who are enjoying one another, sharing their lives, their memories, and their hope for the future.

Thanksgiving is finished? Hopefully no completely.

My favorite leftover is I am still feeling thankful.

Here’s a picture of our turkey: