Bynn is off to the US

July 24th, 2012

We just got back from taking Bynn to the airport.

He’s on his way to the US to visit with my younger brother and his family for about a month.

My brother has 2 high school aged sons, so there is going to be a lot of guys around that house for a while!

He’s looking forward to spending time there with them fishing, playing paintball, and golf.

I’m sure he’s going to have a great summer.

Here are a few photos from the airport:

Razorback Turtles – Raph and Rudy

July 19th, 2012

I was poking around on my computer while trying to edit some golf swing videos from last Monday’s trip to the golf range and came across these videos.

We have 2 small turtles in a bowl in the living room. Great place for them. They of course are the boys’ turtles, which just as surely translates as “my responsibility”.

I play around with them all the time especially when I’m feeding them. They’re actually quite cute, have a lot of personality, and are a lot more fun than you might think. They aren’t exactly fetching sticks or balls, but they do ‘play’ a little.

Here are a couple videos of them doing turtle water ballet and spoon chasing.




Bad Neighbors and Tree Trimming

July 12th, 2012

I have a tree. It’s a big tree. It’s a strange tree that has leaves pretty much all year round. It loses it’s leaves in the spring for a short time.

It also drops what looks like sawdust for about 3 weeks in July. It’s messy. I admit that.

I also know it provides shade for us, and the apartment building next door, and keeps us from having to look from our second floor balcony into the second floor balcony of the neighbors’ apartments beside our house.

All in all, I consider it a fair trade.

Two nights ago some crank came to complain that the dust from the tree was a problem.


These people can never say anything to the myriad of folks illegally parking anywhere and everywhere along the street, using the grocery store parking lot exit as an entrance, or worse as a through street, dogs left alone and sweating it out all day long in the apartments next door who then spend all day (I mean _all_ day) barking at each other, and yet they complain about a tree that wouldn’t listen to me if I did tell it to stop shedding?

Idiots. Ingrates. Ungrateful B*******.

Still, Sulseob doesn’t want to cause a problem, so we got after it to do a bit of trimming.

Not that there was a tropical storm coming through today. Killed 14 people nearby…

Didn’t stop us. uh-uh.

I’m going to be really sore for all that tree climbing and then the extra chopping, and still I’m not finished with the cleanup though I put in a good straight 8 hours on it after class today.


Just hope no one comes to the door to complain and it’s me that answers. I’m not nearly so diplomatic when it comes to these types of whiners…

Here are a few pics to let you see what kind of trimming it was – (not minor, I assure you).

Meito Junction performing at Music Festival

July 5th, 2012

The band I play with, Meito Junction, is going to be doing a short set at a music festival this weekend (July 8th).

I really am looking forward to having a chance to play in front of a different crowd. It’s been a little while since we’ve done that or played anywhere other than at Meito Church.

You can read more about the festival here:

You can read more about the band here:

Meito Junction

Famous Korean Temple

June 28th, 2012

I’m really missing Korea these days. I’ve heard several times from one of my friends there, and almost went over to speak at a conference, but that fell through.

All of that just makes me want to go there for a visit even more.

I lived in Korea for 6 years (already 10 in Japan now, wow!) but it seems like yesterday and like it was a lot longer. It was a very big part of my life, and well, still is.

One of the things that always impressed me was that old stuff was really old.

In the US, old was 50 years, maybe 100. In Korea that’s still infancy.

It was really amazing (not using that word lightly here) to walk into a temple or garden that had stood, virtually the same, for 100’s of years.

One of my favorites is Bulguk Temple – 불국사 – located in Kyoungju (often called BulgukSa Temple, but the “Sa” means “Temple” so is redundant).

Actually the name means Land (country) of Buddha Temple and began construction in 751. You can ‘feel’ that when you enter the gates. It’s been restored a number of times, but still has essentially the same structure as it had when originally built. Pretty impressive.

Here’s a photo I took of it the last time I visited:

bulguk temple - Kyounju Korea