Solution to a hot day for class?

July 8th, 2010

Ice Cream!!! Yeah!!

Today was another (of several 🙁 ) hot, humid, and generally uncomfortable days late in the semester.

With World Cup winding down, and after the hard hit the class took when Japan bowed out last week, I was all set to go at it again today, but it seems that several students thought it was a holiday (sorry, Ayana, I know you had a good reason for being away today! Thanks for letting me know!) or it was just too hot to come to a 3rd Period class…

So, today, to cool things off a bit we took a little ice cream break. Not great for my diet, but was fun, and refreshing! Sorry, Natsuki was late, and I somehow missed getting Chisato into the photo 🙁

Here’s the photo I took along with an apology. It seems I missed someone when the photo was taken, so … Chisato, I’m sorry you’re not in the picture!

Ice Cream was the right thing for this hot day!

Ice Cream was the right thing for this hot day!

Who’s your favorite Super Hero?

May 27th, 2010

Okay, so since I posted the I loved the movie Batman (the newer series more than the old one, though I’ve watched the original Batman movie based on the TV series at least 20 times 🙂 ) I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys think about Super Heroes and who is your favorite.

I like the super heroes who are flawed (not perfect) and still feel the need to do the right thing, to help others and use their powers and abilities to help people who can’t help themselves. That’s why I think Batman is one of my favorites.

Bruce Wayne has all the money he could ever need, but he still thinks that there are things he can do, must do, as Batman that he is unable to do as a wealthy businessman.

I also like the idea that with time and resources someone can do amazing things if they are dedicated to doing that.

Let me know what Super Heroes you like, and why.

Just write a short comment to tell me the Super Hero and the things you like the most about them.

What’s your favorite movie?

May 27th, 2010

Okay, so I was trying to think of something fun to discuss and use as an exercise for learning about commenting on blogs for our Web English class, so I thought it might be interesting to ask about movies.

I watch a lot of movies, and I’m a big movie fan.

I love reading about movies at It helps me appreciate the movies more and to make good choices about the movies I watch, and that I let my boys watch.

While it’s not easy for me to pick my favorite movie, I do have several that I’ve seen again and again, and will watch about any time I have the chance.

I like movies of all types from animation (though I’m not a big fan of anime), action, drama, Korean movies and even some Chinese movies.

Here’s one of my favorite movies:

Batman Begins: I thought the first movies were just for fun and not really like Batman from the comic books, and this restart really impressed me. I think Christian Bale is great as Batman, the special effects add to the movie without overpowering the characters or the story, and the story was great.

So, let me know what your favorite  movie is, or one of your favorites if you’re like me and like a lot of movies, and tell me a little bit about what it’s about and why you like it.

Writing a comparison paper tips

May 16th, 2010

Several times I’ve been asked the question about what goes into a comparison paper, so I thought I’d give a few tips about things that are often overlooked.

Whether you are writing a paragraph, a short essay, a longer report or even an extensive research paper, you can use the following tips to get more ideas for what to write about in your paper and for the general structure.

First you need to set up clearly what you are comparing. Give some background information on the topic in general and then at least briefly give the background and explanation of the key points you are comparing.  You might need more in depth history or background depending on the topic or scope and length of the essay or paper.

You should include the things the topics have in common, and then you need to discuss what that means, or what at least can be inferred from those similarities. You should have at least 3 points of similar comparison even in a relatively short essay.

You then need to consider what are the differences. Then dive into why those things are different. Base these comments on facts you have uncovered in your research or from your own experience if you are qualified to comment on that part. Spend a little time considering the reasons that these differences appear.

When you are only comparing 2 things, it can be difficult to draw really concrete conclusions since you really have little to base your outcomes on. Sometimes it can be helpful then to bring in some other examples that either are similar or different from your two key comparison models or topics.

That is, if you are comparing something like marriage ages in Japan and America, you can show how those differ, but you can also show how one or the other fits in with several other countries or is radically different. What makes it so?

Remember that in order to get more to write about you can always ask yourself, then answer in your writing, the ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions.

You can also consider historical data on both sides. How were these things in the past? How are they now? What appears to be the main reasons for those? What has affected the differences? What effect has that had?

Your inferences and conclusions should then be included in the concluding statements, paragraphs or sections of your paper.

2010 4th Year Seminar students’ group photo

May 13th, 2010

Today we had our group photo for the university album taken of the 4th year students’ seminar class.

I was really happy that almost everyone could make it and that the weather was clear and sunny (although that wind was  really, really cold!)

Too bad that Eri didn’t make it for the photo, and I haven’t heard from her yet. I hope she’s okay.

These photos were taken outside the Shi-bon at the Nagakute Campus.

If you click on the photos, you can view the image in full size (it’s pretty big though so it might take a little while to load.

Anyway, it’s a nice picture, and a good group of students.

4th Year Seminar Students and Professor Williams - 2010 (not shown - Eri Ueda)

4th Year Seminar Students and Professor Williams - 2010 (not shown - Eri Ueda)

4th Year Seminar Students and Professor Williams 2010 number 2 (not shown - Eri Ueda)

4th Year Seminar Students and Professor Williams 2010 number 2 (not shown - Eri Ueda)